Posts tagged “meat thermometer”
Already Thinking Of Your Thanksgiving Turkey? Read This First.
Yes, it’s time! If you have a holiday celebration in your future (and we know you do), it’s time to get your fresh turkey on our list. Stop by our meat case or call 651-777-2888 to place your holiday…
Porketta Sandwich At Hagberg’s Country Market
See the article in the StarTribune “Dining Diaries.” “I feel like we’re in Eveleth,” my mom giddily exclaimed. We were actually at Hagberg’s Country Market in Lake Elmo. A grocery store w…
The Most Essential Tool In Your Kitchen Is A Meat Thermometer.
Take the guesswork out of cooking. You just spent a few (or several) dollars on a nice cut of meat from Hagberg’s amazing meat case. You really want to impress your guests or, at the very least, prep…