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A Message From The Man Behind The Mask

Once in a while, you can get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right. – Grateful Dead

There is no doubt. These are strange times. As we are all working to navigate this ever-changing “new normal” at Hagberg’s, I wanted to express my gratitude to the people who make this long strange trip a little more tolerable.

The shopping experience is certainly not what any of us could have imagined just a few months ago, but I am so grateful to our staff for keeping up with the rules and helping to keep us all safe – and doing it all with good humor! (Check here for Covid-19 updates.)

I especially want to thank our loyal long-time customers as well as the many new faces we see at the meat counter. Naturally, we’re grateful for the business, but these days, we also really appreciate the patience and respect that our distancing days demand.

From sourcing to cutting to selling, we have always reached for the highest standards. And these days, it’s especially crucial for us to reach even higher.

For meat lovers, a visit to our meat case can be a bit like Christmas morning – complete with wide eyes and anticipation. We see it every day. That’s why we take extra care with every cut, slice, and package so that when you unwrap it at home, it’s everything you hoped it would be.

And while you can’t see the smiles behind our masks, we hope you can see the twinkle in our eyes.

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